Cryptopolitan 2021-09-26 03:00:00

Patientory and its Role in Clinical Trials Transparency

According to a recent study, only 29% of trial results make it into journals. Only 13% of these results are reported on the page two years after completing the clinical trial. The problem of trial results accessibility and transparency goes back ages. Benefits of clinical trials transparency  Timely disclosure of clinical trial results offers numerous advantages. Patients suffering from life-threatening conditions can willingly enroll in the trial if they have access to past trial results, especially when they are positive.  Trial results can serve as CME (Continuing Medical Education) to physicians and help improve medical consultation services. The shortcomings of prior research can help scientists design better protocols. Based on trial results, the participants can make the right healthcare decisions.  Challenges of clinical trials transparency  Regulatory authorities like the FDA, WHO and Bioethics International have established rules to ensure that sponsors disclose accurate results of trials soon after completion.  However, stringent compliance rules of disclosure make it a daunting task. In this regard, challenges to accurate reporting of results are: The absence of a single-source integrated system that can be updated from anywhere in the worldMaintenance of the integrity of trial recruitment by providing limited accessUser-friendly dashboards that are easy to readAbility t...

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