Cryptopolitan 2021-09-24 03:00:00

How Patientory Solves Pandemic-Era Problems

Blockchain systems are pioneering growth and development across different industries. Patientory is one of the leading technological innovators of the global healthcare system. They have adapted and deployed systems to address the concerns presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, such as flaws in supply chains and failure to deploy resources to areas where they are most needed. The crisis resulted in challenges in accessing and disseminating the data needed to take decisive actions to manage the pandemic. Patientory equips the populace with actionable insights to improve their health. It also allows health organizations and clinicians to securely access and transfer protected health information. Blockchains are suited for managing multi-party, inter-organizational, and cross-border transactions because they are equipped to verify, secure, and share this data. Contact Tracing Contact tracking is one of the most touchy subjects in managing a pandemic because it risks invading personal privacy. However, most governments go to the extremes of contact tracing in a bid to flatten the curve. The data collection process involves checking patients’ most sensitive information, such as their medical history, connections, interactions, and travel history. The Coalition Application provides a free platform for anyone to discuss relevant information without jeopardizing privacy or illegally publishing personal data. Users can use this app...

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