Crypto Daily 2023-08-10 18:22:55

Ouroboros Taktikos: Topl's Improvement to Cardano's Consensus Protocol Passes Peer Review

Austin, Texas, August 10th, 2023, Chainwire Topl’s CTO, Dr. Hans Behrens, was invited to present the peer-reviewed Ouroboros Taktikos research at China’s prestigious conference in Haikou, China. Topl, an interoperable blockchain protocol focused on a connected, inclusive, and sustainable global economy, today announces the peer-reviewed acceptance of its research on Ouroboros Taktikos. This consensus mechanism, built on the foundation of Cardano’s Ouroboros Praos, shows a throughput increase of 2.9 times and a latency reduction of 5.7 times compared to Praos. Topl's research indicates that by using a dynamic threshold, throughput and latency can be optimized, resulting in a more responsive network. Whereas Praos derives its name from the Greek term meaning "calm" or “gentle” and is known for its sparse consensus intervals, Taktikos, a Greek term meaning "arrangement," reflects a more dynamic approach to block ordering. The Ouroboros Taktikos research was presented at the International Conference on Blockchain and Trustworthy Systems, known as BlockSys, in Haikou, China, and highlights potential areas of improvement within the Ouroboros consensus model. Topl has already integrated Taktikos into its chain to enhance the security and scalability of its protocol. Unlike many advancements in the blockchain space, which are typically posted without any third-party validation, Topl's research underwent a rigorous academic peer-review process. The findings were vetted by leading researchers and will be included in the scientific literature, appearing in Springer CCIS. The manuscript will soon be available via Google Scholar alongside the rest of the Ouroboros family of protocols. “Our exploration into Ouroboros Taktikos reflects the dedication and curious spirit of the Topl team,” says Dr. Hans Behrens, Topl’s Chief Technology Officer. “For those interested in the nuances of Nakamoto-style proof-of-stake (PoS) protocols, Taktikos offers an insightful advancement. We see it as a collaborative evolution in blockchain consensus models, and we're proud of what our team has achieved together.”"The blockchain ecosystem thrives on both breakthroughs and benchmarks,” says Jon Woodard, the CEO at Wolfram Blockchain Labs. “Ouroboros Taktikos from Topl offers an insightful blend, advocating for technological advances rooted in academic credibility." About Topl Topl is a new interoperable blockchain protocol that aims to create a sustainable, inclusive economy. Its mission is to disrupt existing economic systems and empower changemakers worldwide to make a lasting, positive impact. Topl's modular, permissionless proof-of-stake blockchain is transparent, secure, scalable, and energy-efficient. Its technical innovations, including interoperability and eUTxO efficiency, pave the way for economic system innovation by connecting builders across the Topl network. The protocol's transparency, security, and flexibility make it suitable for track and trace applications, carbon and renewable energy credit exchanges, asset tokenization, and other use cases. ContactChief Marketing OfficerClay

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