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NewsBTC 2022-01-16 22:00:05

Sports NFT Marketplace Lympo Suffers An $18.7 Million Hack

The latest in the industry is the hacking of Lympo, a sports NFT platform and a subsidiary of Animoca Brands. Through hot wallet hacking, the platform just lost about 165.2 million LMT tokens, equivalent to $18.7 million during the time of this hack. Cryptocurrency hacking, though not frequently experienced, remains of the risks that some protocols have to suffer. An update through Medium from the Lympo team confirms the recent hacking from the platform on Jan 10. According to the report, the hackers accessed the protocol’s operational hot wallet and looted about 165.2 million LMT tokens. Related article | Is Norton 360 Mining Ethereum In Your Computer? If It Is, They’ll Take a 15% Cut Furthermore, the post revealed that the cybersecurity attack led to the compromise of 10 different project wallets. Also, the majority of the hacked tokens were moved to one single address from where they were swapped on both Sushiswap and Uniswap for Ether (ETH) and were later transferred somewhere else. With this looting of the LMT from its hot wallets, the price of the token plummeted by 92% to $0.0093. Lympo Team To Fix Grudges Subsequently, the protocol’s team released a tweet stating that they are striving to stabilize the circumstance as well as to return their operations to normal. Additionally, the team mentioned its removal of liquidity LMT from liquidity pools. According to them, this will help in reducing the crypto price disrup...

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