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NewsBTC 2021-10-21 23:00:02

Cardano Set To Enter The Babbage Era After Alonzo HFC Milestone

Cardano successfully deployed the Alonzo Hard Fork Combinator over a month ago, which has no doubt been one of the most important upgrades to happen on the network Alonzo HFC brought with it smart contracts capability on the network and with this came decentralized finance (DeFi) services to the ecosystem. Developers could now develop and deploy decentralized applications (DApps) on the Cardano blockchain. This provided a boost for the network and Cardano continues to work with developers to get their DApps deployed on the blockchain. After this milestone, a question on the minds of supporters has been, ‘What’s next?’ With the Alonzo HFC operating as intended, the developers behind the blockchain can now move to the next phase. This phase is referred to as the Babbage era. Related Reading | Cardano Loses 3rd Spot On Crypto Top 10, Why It May Drop Even More The Next Big Step Kevin Hammond, software engineer at Input Output gave an update on what the developer was working on next. Hammond revealed that IOHK was moving into what they referred to as the Babbage era. This phase which is named after Charles Babbage, the mathematician credited as “the father of the computer”, is meant to smooth out any wrinkles that may be leftover after Alonzo. ADA price at $2.32 | Source: ADAUSD on IOHK will roll out various performance improvements on the blockchain in this phase. These, Hammond said, are improvements whi...

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