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Cryptopolitan 2021-09-20 10:59:00

Everything you Need to Know about Patientory Blockchain and its IoT Integration

Technology and technological innovations continue to advance, making life better today than it was yesterday. A ready sample is the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. It connects devices to the internet and allows them to interact with one another.  As per common knowledge, smartphones, laptops, and servers are internet-enabled devices. However, IoT technology embeds microprocessors and sensors in everyday gadgets to connect them to the internet and communicate with other devices with an internet connection. IoT and healthcare The IoMT concept (Internet-of-Medical Things), aka digital health, developed from adopting IoT technology in the healthcare industry. IoMT is estimated to reach 158 billion USD by 2022 from a 41 billion USD valuation in 2017. IoMT devices, such as ECG machines or wearable devices like Fitbit, can collect, store, and share medical data over the internet.  Salient features of Patientory  Patientory mobile app has created a distributed patient data ledger on the PTOYMatrix blockchain network. The data on the app is protected through cryptography; in fact, transactions occur via an app-specific cryptocurrency PTOYMatrix which connects various EHR systems differing in the underlying software.  Challenges to IoT technology in healthcare  IoMT devices are connected to a network using cloud computing. However, it is not easy to guarantee fast and secure health information exchange on ...

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