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NewsBTC 2021-08-17 22:00:23

Microsoft To Fight Piracy With Ethereum, Introduces Project Argus

When it comes to software piracy platforms, the top performers remain for the office productivity suite and Windows operating system. So it’s not a surprise that the developer of the two products, Microsoft, takes its moves in creating Ethereum backed anti-piracy measures. Microsoft’s research department released a recent document involving contributions of other researchers from Alibaba and Carnegie Mellon University. The document revealed that the software giant engaged in a blockchain-based reward system to fortify its anti-piracy campaigns. Related Reading | Total Cryptocurrency Market Cap Value Surges Across $1.9 Trillion Setting A New Record The research has a title, Argus: A Fully Transparent Incentive System for Anti-Piracy Campaigns. This implies that Microsoft will depend on the transparency of blockchain technology for its new system. Argus is a protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain that proposes to give a trustless incentive mechanism. Also, it will secure data from any open unknown or hidden population of piracy reporters. Here’s How Ethereum Powered Anti-Piracy Program Will Run The document states that this should be taken as a shared system issue. Furthermore, it reveals that in the real application, there are unavoidable obstacles that need surmounting. It’s only the finished aspect that would ascertain the desired security irrespective of full transparency. Argus allows tracing pirat...

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